Relative performance of rice hybrids under system of rice intensification Singh Pushpraj, Khan I.M., Singh Smita, Panday Archana Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Rewa - 486 001, India Online published on 16 September, 2013. Abstract A field experiment was conducted during rainy season of 2008 to study the relative performance of rice hybrids under system of rice intensification. Amongst the rice hybrids, PRH-10 and NPH-567 proved their superiority with respect to yield attributes like panicle length, no. of grains, weight, grain yield and net income per hectare. PRH-10 gave significantly higher grain yield (99.50q/ha) and net income (Rs.49125/ha), followed by NPH-567 (87.00q/ha yield and Rs. 40063/ha net income) over rest of the rice hybrids. Top Keywords Hybrid varieties, Rice, System of rice intensification (SRI). Top | |
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