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Agricultural Science Digest
Year 2010, Volume-30, Issue-1 (March)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X

Table of contents

Influence of Irrigation and Weed Management Practices on Nodulation and Yield of Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum L)
B.S. Meena

Weed Seed Bank and Dynamics of Weed Flora as Influenced by Tillage and Weed Control Methods in Maize (Zea Mays L.)
N.N. Angiras, Pankaj Chopra, Suresh Kumar

Correlation and Path Coefficient for Yield Components and Quality Traits in Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.)
C. Indu Rani, I. Muthuvel, D. Veeraragavathatham

Impact of Chawki Rearing Training on Knowledge and Adoption of Chawki Rearing Centre Owners in Andhra Pradesh
K.M. Vijaya Kumari, R.K. Rajan, P. Sudhakara Rao

Influence of Nitrogen and Harvesting on Dry Matter and Millable Cane Yield of Sweet Sorghum
A.Y. Hugar

Modification of Groundnut Thresher for Decorticating Groundnut Pods and Castor
B. John Wesley, R. Swamy, B. Hari Babu, T. Yellamanda Reddy

Agricultural Efficiency in Relation to Size of Holding in Akola District
Devyanee Nemadeand, Rachana Wankhade

Short Communications

Analysis of Active Ingredients and SDS-Page Profiling of Aonla(Phyllanthus Emblica L.)
K.C. Verma, S.K. Verma

Heterosis in CMS/GMS Based Pigeonpea [Cajanus Cajan (L.) Mill Sp.,] Hybrids
D. Shoba, A. Balan

A Comparative Study on Economics of Mulberry with Other Commercial Crops of Andhra Pradesh
P. Srinivasulu Reddy, B. Kasi Reddy, Ch. Satyanarayana Raju

Varietal Evaluation of Tamarind Under Scarce Rainfall Zone
K. Dhanumjaya Rao, K. Subramanyam

Effect of Environmental Factors on Seed Yield in Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis Link.)
R.H. Gohil, D.R. Parmar, J. B. Pandya

Generation Mean Analysis in Pearl Millet [Penisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
S.B. Godasara, C. J. Dangaria, J.J. Savaliya, A.G. Pansuriya, B.K. Davada

Effect of Rate of Application of Fungal and Bacterial Antagonists on Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice
Gokil Prasad Gangwar, A.P. Sinha

Evaluation of Yield Performance of Ber Varieties Under Scarce Rainfall Zone
K. Dhanumjaya Rao, K. Subramanyam

Analysis of Constraints Pertaining to Tamilnadu Afforestation Project (Tap) in Dharmapuri District of Tamilnadu State
V. Sekar, M. Ramasubramanian, S. Seeralan

Inheritance of Some Physiological Parameters on Grain Yield in Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.)
V.H. Hirpara, K.L. Dobariya, J.J. Savaliya, H.P. Ponkia, P.R. Sodavadiya

Evaluation of Imidacloprid 200SL(Confidor 200SL)for its Efficacy Against Grape Thrips Scirtothrips Dorsalis(Hood) and Phytotoxicity
N. D. Sunitha, S. B. Jagginavar

Productivity and Economics of Rice Based Cropping System as Influenced By Different Organic Nutrients
G. Senthil Kumar, P.M. Shanmugam, P. Devasenapathy, C. Vennila

Growth and Yield Performance of Pomegranate Varieties Under Scarce Rainfall Zone
K. Dhanumjaya Rao, K. Subramanyam

Organoleptic Evaluation of Brinjal Genotypes
M. Prabhu, S. Praneetha, S. Natarajan

Rural, Urban Background and Academic Performance of Agriculture Students
Pardeep Kumar, Reena, Nasib Singh, Meena


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