Modification of Groundnut Thresher for Decorticating Groundnut Pods and Castor Wesley B. John, Swamy R., Babu B. Hari, Reddy T. Yellamanda Agricultural Research Station, Anantapur - 515 001, Andhra Pradesh. Abstract The peg type groundnut threshers are now being used for groundnut stripping. The groundnut thresher was modified by changing the main cylinder, concave and sieves for kernel separation and tested with groundnut TMV-2 (local), K-134 (Vemana) and castor (Kranthi) varieties. The sieve size of 18 × 9 mm and 22 × 11mm is found suitable for TMV-2 and K-134 groundnut variety, respectively. The sieve size of 27 × 6 mm gave good results for castor shelling. Top Key words Groundnut, Groundnut thresher, Decorticator, Castor shelling. Top | | |
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