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Agricultural Science Digest
Year : 2006, Volume : 26, Issue : 3
First page : ( 224) Last page : ( 226)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X.

Effects of different substrates on yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor - Caju)

Tupatkar P.N.*, Jadhao S.M.**

All India Co-ordinated Mushroom Improvement Project, College of Agriculture, Pune-411 005, India.

*Present Address: MPKV's College of Agriculture Dhule, Maharashtra.

**Present Address: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh.


Oyster mushroom was cultivated on different substrates viz. wheat and paddy straw, bajara, maize, jowar, cotton, soybean stalks and their leaves and groundnut creepers with wheat and soybean straw (1:1), and groundnut creepers alone. Amongst the different substrates cotton stalks and leaves was found significantly higher in respect of number and weight of sporophores (5.12 g) as well as yield of sporophores (914 g/kg of dry straw). The other substrates gaveoptimum yield such as paddy straw (613 g/kg of dry straw) followed by soybean straw (557 g/kg of dry straw) and combination of soybean straw plus wheat straw 1:1 w/w (508 g/kg of straw). The lowest yield was observed in the treatment of groundnut creepers 258 g/kg of dry substrate.


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