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Agricultural Science Digest
Year : 2006, Volume : 26, Issue : 3
First page : ( 218) Last page : ( 220)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X.

Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on earliness and yield of brinjal hybrid cobh 1

Prabhu M., Veeraragavathatham D., Srinivasan K., Natarajan S.

Department of Vegetable Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, India.


Field experiments were conducted during 2000–2001 in two seasons viz., kharif and rabi to find out the effect of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus (with a constant dose of 100 kg K ha−1) on earliness and yield of COBH 1 hybrid brinjal. Under 175: 100 kg of NP ha−1 the earliest flowering was obtained during kharif (36.95 days from planting) as well as rabi season (35.85 days from planting). The total yield per hectare was significantly increased with increasing doses of N and P. The highest yield was obtained from 200: 100 kg NP ha−1 during kharif as well as rabi seasons.


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