Genetic variability and character association studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Singh S.P., Singhara G.S., Parray G.A., Bhat G.N. Rice Research and Regional Station (SKUAST-K), Khudwani-192 1027, Distt. Anantnag, (J&K), India. Abstract Thirty two genotypes of rice were evaluated for seven traits during 2002 to estimate genetic variability and interrelationship among them. A wide range of variation was recorded for all the traits. Highest genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variations were recorded for grain yield (t/ha). A high estimate of heritability coupled with high genetic advance for height suggested the predominance of additive gene action for this trait. Study of genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients indicated that biological yield per plot and harvest index were significantly and positively associated with grain yield. It is suggested that selection for these two traits might be helpful in enhancing the grain yield. Top | | |
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