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Agricultural Science Digest
Year : 2006, Volume : 26, Issue : 3
First page : ( 197) Last page : ( 199)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X.

Evaluation of foxtail millet varieties under low fertility conditions

Munirathnam P., Reddy A. Sambasiva, Sawadhkar S.M.

Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal-518 502, Kurnool Dist. (A.P.), India.


A field experiment was conducted for two years during kharif 2001–02 and 2002–03 to find out the performance of foxtail millet varieties under low fertility conditions. Application of 25% RDF + 25% Rec. FYM + Bio-fertilizers (F6) followed by 50% RDF + Bio-fertilizers (F4) were found significantly more effective in increasing the grain and straw yield and ultimately in gross and net returns. Among the cultivars maximum grain and straw yield with higher net returns were recorded with SiA 2803 (V3) followed by SiA 2679 (V2) which were found significantly superior to SiA 326 and PS 4.


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