Fitness, adaptedness and ayala's paradox in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Kumar S. Thirugnana, Eswaran R., Anandan A. Genetics and Plant Breeding, Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai university, Annamalai nagar-608 002, India. Abstract The sesame genotypes which were endowed with high fitness exhibited low adaptedness and vice-versa. This paradoxical relationship is eponymously called as ayala's paradox. The progenies of the cross combination namely, TMV 5 x TNAU 120 which showed high fitness may be intermated with the progenies of the cross combination such as TNAU 120 x TMV 3 which high adaptedness, to evolve elite lines with higher fitness coupled with higher adaptedness which will eventually result in higher seed yield in farmer's field. Top | | |
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