Response of pearlmillet to wind erosion control measures in hot arid watershed areas affected by wind erosion Poonia T.C., Singh G.D.* National Agricultural Technology Project on Watershed Management, Agricultural Research Station, Fatehpur-Shekhawati, Rajasthan-332 301, India. *Present Address: Rajasthan Agric. Univ., Bikaner (Rajasthan). Abstract A field experiment was conducted during 2001–2002 at farmer's fields in Garinda village (Sikar, Rajasthan) to study the effect of wind erosion control measures on soil and water conservation and production potential of pearlmillet in hot arid watershed areas. The results revealed that vegetative barriers of tree sticks favourably affected the soil and water conservation, growth and yield parameters of pearlmillet. Application of vegetative barriers of tree sticks recorded +7.5 cm soil deposition while control plot recorded soil erosion to the extent of removal of -5.7 cm soil surface. The vegetative barriers of tree sticks recorded 27.6% higher grain yield over control (without barrier) plot. Top | | |
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