Effect of growth regulators on fruit characters and seediness in ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L) Prabhu M., Natarajan S. Department of Vegetable Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, India. Abstract Field experiment was conducted on Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L) during kharif 2003, to study the effect of different growth regulators viz., GA, NAA and 2, 4, D on fruit characters and seediness. The results showed significant differences and the longest fruit (5.95 cm) was obtained with GA 100 ppm, followed by NAA 400 ppm and all other treatments were superior to control (5.00cm). Among the different treatments, GA3 100 ppm and 2, 4, D 100 ppm were found to be more effective on fruit girth, which recorded 5.71 and 5.70 cm respectively. GA3100 ppm (13.25 g) and GA3200 ppm (12.75 g) gave significantly superior individual fruit weight over control (8.03g). Among the treatments, GA3 100 ppm (1.72 g) and NAA 400 ppm (1.73 g) produced lesser amount of seeds and gave better individual fruit weight. Top | | |
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