Multivariate analysis in upland cotton Chovatia P.K., Mehta D.R., Joshi H.J. Agricultural Research Station, Gujarat Agricultural University, Amereli (Gujarat)-364 601, India. Abstract Genetic divergence assessed in 38 hybrids of upland cotton using D2 statistics for eight developmental characters, showed grouping of hybrids into seven clusters in upland cotton. Cluster I was the largest with 23 hybrids followed by cluster II with six hybrids, cluster III with three hybrids, cluster IV and V with two hybrids each and cluster VI and VII with only one hybrid each. The highest genetic divergence was found between cluster V and VI followed by cluster IV and V and cluster VI and VII. Clusters II, IV, VI and VII were having promising hybrids for different components. Thus, distribution of different hybrids in different clusters indicated that large amount of variability was generated due to development of different hybrids and materials possessed considerable diversity within and between groups which could be exploited in further breeding programmes of development of complex clusters. Top | | |
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