Phenological development, yield and yield attributes of different wheat genotypes as influenced by sowing time and irrigation levels Dhaka A.K.1, Bangarwa A.S.1,2, Pannu R.K.1,2, Malik R.K.1,2, Garg Rajbir1 1Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ujha (Panipat)-132 104, India. 2CCS HAU Hisar. Abstract A field experiment was carried out in split plot design replicated thrice with main plot treatments comprising of six combinations of two dates of sowings and three irrigation levels and six genotypes of wheat in sub plots. The delayed sowing on 25th December in comparison to timely sowing on 20th November reduced the numbers of effective tillers per plant, grains spike−1 and 1000 grain weight by 4.8, 12.0 and 18.5 per cent, respectively. About 50 per cent reduction in the grain yield was recorded. The water stress during reproductive or vegetative phase under restricted irrigation caused significant reduction in yields and yield attributes. The highest yield was obtained in PBW-343 genotype. Top | | |
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