Relative efficacy of selected insecticides against leafhopper, amrasca Bigutulla bigutulla ishida on tomato Reddy N. Aswathanarayana1, Kumar C.T. Ashok1,2 1Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mudigere-577 132, Karnataka, India. 2Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-560 065, India. Abstract A field experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of selected insecticides against leafhoppers in tomatos. The results indicate that the treatment combination of deltamethrin 0.028% + pongamia oil 0.1% gave an excellent control of jassids followed by deltamethrin 0.028%, methomyl 0.05% + NSKE 3%,methtomyl 0.05%, endosulfan 0.07% + NSKE 3% and endosulfan 0.07% respectively. Top | | |
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