Slow leaf blighting in wheat varieties caused by exserohilum hawaiiensis Patil V.S.1,2, Kulkarni Srikant1 1University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005, India. 2Regional Wheat Rust Research Station, Mahabaleshwar, District Satara. Abstract Two varieties each of Triticum dicoccum (DDK- 1013, DDK-1015) and Triticum durum (HD-4502 and MACS-3018) and five of Triticum aestivum (DWR 185, PBN 142, VL 738, HD 2189 and HS 240) were identified as slow leaf blighters. The overall observations indicated that, the genotype belonging T. aestivum group had more resistance to Exeserohilum hawaiiensis than T. durum and T. dicoccum. Top | | |
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