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Agricultural Science Digest
Year 2006, Volume-26, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0253-150X

Table of contents

Effect of biochemical constituents with shootfly resistance in sorghum
S.S. Patil, B.N. Narkhede, K.K. Barbate

Economics of chilli processing in Rajasthan
Girdhari Lal Meena, D.C. Pant, Sarvesh Kumar

A study on correlation and path analysis of seed yield and yield components in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
V. Gouri Shankar, M. Ganesh, A.R.G. Ranganatha, M.H.V. Bhave

Leadership roles in village development - A case study in Nagaland
Shailendra S. Gadge, C. Rajkhowa

Perceived training needs of village extension workers
G.P. Meena, G.S. Bangarva

Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and soil properties in rice-linseed sequence
S. Kalita, J. Deka

Response of coffee seedlings to nitrogen fixing biofertilizers
N. Chattopadhyay, S. Swain, J.K. Hore

Effect of planting season and type of fertilizer on biomass yield and quality of sugarcane (Saccharrum officinarum) cv. COS 95255
Kins Varghese, Nishi Massey

Heterosis for seed yield and component character in tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)
A.M. Hossain, B.G. Sasmal

Correlation analysis associated with shootfly resistance in sorghum
S.S. Patil, B.N. Narkhede, K.K. Barhate, G.B. Chaudhari

Dose optimisation of insecticides for the management of the pseudostem weevil Odoiporus longicollis (Oliv.) (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) on banana
C. Gailce Leo Justin, D. Rajakumar, J.D. Nirmalatha, J. Prem Joshua, M. Jayasekhar

Studies on dry matter accumalation in relation to variable yield in linseed genotypes grown under central U.P. condition
Chandra Bhushan, R.S. Yadav

Biochemical parameters in Allium Cepa L. varieties influnced by maleic hydrazide
A.B. Sabale, A.A. Mane

Potential of campoletis chlorideae uchida in the natural control of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infesting various crops at Ludhiana (Punjab)
Sandeep Singh, G.S. Battu

A study on fertility restoration on diverse CMS sources in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
V. Gouri Shankar, M. Ganesh, A.R.G. Ranganatha, A. Suman, V. Sridhar

Bioefficacy of certain acaricides against chilli mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks)
S. Jeyarani, M. Chandrasekaran

Heterosis in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)
V. Jayalakshmi, G. Appa Rao, K. Lakshmaiah

Genetic divergence in sunflower
P. Mahalakshmi, R. Vidhyavathi, N. Manivannan, V. Muralidharan

Effect of chemical weed control on nutrient uptake by wheat and associated weeds
Y. Kanojia, V. Nepalia

Effect of foliar application of micronutrient on yield and yield attributes on Indian mustard {Brassica juncea (L.)}
K. Tejeswara Rao, G. Jogi Naidu, G. Subbaiah

Critical soil test levels for alfisols of nilgiris through yield targeting and integrated plant nutrition system for potato
A. Gayathri, A. Vadivel, R. Santhi, P. Murugesa Boopathi

Knowledge and adoption of sorghum production technology by the farmers of vidharbha region of Maharashtra
V.N. Kardak, N.V. Kashid, M.S. Kamble, S.N. Kardak

Path coefficient analysis for seed yield in barnyard millet {Echnichloa frumentacea (roxb.) link}
Mohan Lal, S.R. Maloo

Laboratory evaluation of insecticides against the serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) on tomato and french bean
P. Muni Partha Saradhi, N.C. Patnaik

Reaction of tomato germplasms to Tobamovirus
P.K. Sharma, P.D. Thakur, A. Handa


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