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Agricultural Reviews
Year 2023, Volume-44, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0253-1496
Online ISSN : 0976-0741

Table of contents

Review Articles

Post harvest applications of cold plasma technology: A review
Arghya Mani, K. Rama Krishna, Anis Mirza

What is the future of rain-fed horticultural crops production in a changing west african climate? : A review
Chinedu Felix Amuji

Millet bars-healthier alternative to cereal bars: A review
S. Sai Dharshini, M. Meera

Heat stress responses in small ruminants under arid and semiarid regions of western India: A review
V. Bhateshwar, D.C. Rai, M. Datt

Nutraceutical prospective performance of functional beverages in current scenario- as a vector for well being: A review
Neha Sahrawat, Neelam Chaturvedi

Ruminant methane mitigation- strategy from bench top to field condition: A review
Preeti Lakhani, Rajesh Kumar, Jyotsna Madan, Sonia Sindhu

Application of DNA-free CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in crops: A review
Varsha Kumari, Priyanka Kumawat, S.S. Rajput, Sharanbasappa Yeri, D.K. Gothwal, Sharda Choudhary, B.L. Kumhar, Ram Kunwar, G.L. Kumawat

Micronutrients: Role in plants, their spatial deficiency and management in Indian Soils: A review
Alok Singh Jayara, Sharad Pandey, Rajeew Kumar

Prospects of cropping system and nutrient management towards sustainability in agriculture: A review
M. Yasodha, K. Sharmili, A. Tharun Kumar, C. Chinnusamy

Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Indian Agriculture: A review
Sonia Goel, Mohinder Singh, Anshul Phaugat, Sapna Grewal, Mukesh Goel, Anil Kumar Mishra

Climate change and agriculture: An Indian perspective: A review
Monika Shukla, B.L. Jangid, Vikas Khandelwal, A. Keerthika, A.K. Shukla

Role of AI in agriculture: Applications, limitations and challenges: A review
S. Sai Mohan, Regatti Venkat, S. Rahaman, M. Vinayak, B. Hari Babu

Nanofertilizers: A review on the futuristic technology of nutrient management in agriculture
Akshay Glotra, Magan Singh, Maneesha

Conservation agriculture (CA)-based tillage practices in maize for enhancing crop yield, resource use efficiency and soil health: A review
Niraj Biswakarma, Bishesh Rai, Somanath Nayak, Radheshyam

Effect of phosphorus and sulphur application on growth, yield attributes, nutrient uptake, quality and economics of blackgram (Vigna mungo L.): A review
P. Ramamoorthy, R. Ariraman

Micropropagation of minor fruit crops of India: A review
Vartika Singh, Bhagwan Deen, Shashank Singh

Metagenomics: A novel tool for livestock and poultry improvement: A review
Sachin S. Pawar, Pallavi A. Mohanapure, Manoj P. Brahmane, Mukesh P. Bhendarkar, Avinash V. Nirmale, Nitin P. Kurade

Research Articles

Maintaining onion seed quality during storage through seed priming
V.P.S. Panghal, Axay Bhuker, D.S. Duhan, Amit Kumar

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