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Editorial Board

Chief Editor


B. Gangwar, Director,
Project Directorate for farming System Research,
Modipuram- 250 110

Asso. Chief Editor


Jagdish Prashad,
National Bureau of Soil Survey and land use planning,



M.P.S. Arya, Pr. Scientist
N.R.C.W. Agric.,


K.N. Pahwa,
Agricultural Research Communication Centre,



R. Sahai, Karnal


A.K. Bera, Mohanpur

Masood Ali, Kanpur


Chuni Lal, Junagarh

A.S. Gill, Jhansi


Hari Chand, Hisar

A.K. Misra, Mohanpur


R.V. Hiremath, Dharwad

D.K. Sarkar, Naira


M.M. Amanullah, Coimbatore

Sandeep Saran, Izatnagar


C.D. Kaushik, Hisar

E.V.D. Sastry, Jobner


H. Kumar, Varanasi

S.K. Sharma, Karnal


N.N. Angiras, Palampur

Sukh Deo Singh, Izatnagar


T. Yellamanda Reddy, Guntur

M. Mani, Puna


H.S. Rana, Solan

J.P. Mittal, Jodhpur


G.R. Korwar, Hyderabad

C. Balachandran, Chennai


K.K. Sharma, Ludhiana



Managing Editor


R.D. Goel,
Agricultural Research Communication Centre,

Business Manager


Punam Goel,
Agricultural Research Communication Centre,

Correspondence Address
     Agricultural Research Communication Centre
     1130, Sadar, Karnal - 132 001, India
     Phone : (0184) 2255080, E-mail : arccgoel@yahoo.co.in
     Website : www.arccjournals.com/www.arccindia.com, Online : www.indianjournals.com

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