Effective dose and methods of delivery of Pasteuria penetrans against root-knot nematode in brinjal Gomathi C., Kumar S., Subramanian S. Department of Nematology, T.N.A.U., Coimbatore 641 003, India. E-mail: <somuprabhu@gmail.com>
Abstract Application of Pasteuria penetrans at 6 x 106 spores/g of soil significantly suppressed the root knot nematode population (73.4%) and number of egg masses (77.7%) in brinjal. The level of suppression of root knot nematode population directly correlated with the increase in dosage. Parasitization of Meloidogyne incognita J2 was increased with increase in P. penetrans spore density. Various methods of application of P. penetrans viz., seed treatment, seedling bare rool dip and soil application were studied. There was an increase in plant growth with corresponding reduction in galls and nematode population in all the treatments. Among the various methods of P. penetrans application, soil application was observed to be the best followed by seed treatment and seedling bare root dip treatment. Top Key words Application methods, Meloidogyne incognita, Pasteuria penetrans. Top | | | |
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