Effect of Calotropis and Parthenium extracts on Rotylenchulus reniformis race A and growth of sunflower* Prasad D., Suverna N. Division of Nematology, I.A.R.I., New Delhi 110 012, India. *Part of M.Sc. Thesis submitted to P.G. School, IARI, New Delhi. Abstract Plant growth characters of Helianthus were significantly enhanced with the application of aqueous and acetone extracts of Calotropis procera and Parthenium hysterophorus. Although, maximum plant height was observed in acetone extract of Calotropis root. It also had significant effect on root length, dry weights of shoot and root, fresh weight of sunflower head, size of head, number of seeds and 1000 seed weight over control. However, triazophos used as standard nematicide was at par with Calotropis root extract. Significant reduction in soil, root and total Rotylenchulus reniformis population was recorded with both the extracts of the plants tested. Acetone extracts of Calotropis and Parthenium, especially root portion remarkably decreased with the rate of multiplication of R. reniformis i.e. 0.418 and 0.398 times respectively as compared to 2.163 times in control. Top Key words Calotropis procera, Helianthus annuus, Parthenium hysterophorus, Rotylenchulus. Top | | | |
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