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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2006, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 393) Last page : ( 395)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Antagonistic rhizospheric bacteria for management of bacterial soft rot of radish seed crop

Raju M.R.B.*, Pal Vijai, Jalali I.

Department of Plant Pathology, CCS Haryana Agril. Univ., Hisar 125 004, India.

*E-mail: <mrbraju@yahoo.com>


Eight of the twenty-rhizospheric bacterial isolates collected from different radish seed crop growing regions were found to possess antagonistic activity against Pectobacterium carotovorum sub sp. carotovorum in vitro, Inhibition zone method was found superior for assaying the antagonistic potential both qualitatively and quantitatively than the dual culture method. Hisar isolates B-10 (P. fluorescens) and B-13 (Bacillus sp.) were most effective in checking soft rot of radish. Steckling dip treatment in B-10 or B-13 (108 cfu ml−1) suspension for 2 hrs before transplanting was found to enhance the growth of radish and managing bacterial soft rot in seed crop.


Key words

Bacillus sp., Biocontrol, Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorumPseduomonas fluorescens.


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