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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2006, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 384) Last page : ( 388)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Morphological and biochemical effects on gonads of Leptocoris augur parasitised by Hexamermis vishwakarma

Dhiman S.C.,  Kumkum*

Entomology Research Lab. Department of Zoology, M.S. College, Saharanpur 247 001, India.

*E-mail: <kumkum_rajput14@hotmail.com>


Hexamermis vishwakarma was found in the haemocoel of host bug, Leptocoris augur required lysing enzymes for its development and biochemical, physiological, morphological and behavioural changes occurred. Size of gonads was greatly reduced, ducts (vasa-deferentia & oviducts) and ovarioles did not contain any mature ovum. Germarium of each ovariole was also reduced. The level of total proteins, lipids and glucose in the haemolymph was found very low. However, cholesterol level in parasitized bug was observed to be high. H. vishwakarma caused sterility in the male and female bugs by parasitism due to which no egg production was observed. After emergence from the body of the host bug, the host bug died within 10–15 minutes causing cent-percent mortality of the host.


Key words

Hexamermis vishwakarmaLeptocoris augur, Parasitisation.


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