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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2006, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 350) Last page : ( 353)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Effect of neem excel on the biology of Dysdercus koenigii

Fakhri M. Sadre Alam, Ansari M. Shafiq*

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, A.M.U., Aligarh - 202 002, India.

*E-mail: <mohdsansari@yahoo.com>


Neem excel 0.15% EC was tested by offering cotton seeds impregnated with 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04% concentrations to 4th instar of Dysdercus koenigii which revealed that the mortality of the 4th instar nymphs was almost concentration dependent and longevity of treated surviving nymphs significantly increased. Adult emergence was considerably affected at 0.04% concentration, which caused 63.3% emergence in comparison to 95.0% in control. Pre-mating, pre-oviposilion and oviposition periods were significantly delayed while post-oviposition period was shortened to 91.3 hrs. at 0.04% concentration. Eggs laid by a normal female were 115.6 whereas females derived from 4th instar nymphs which consumed 0.04 and 0.02% neem excel treated food laid 41.6 and 65.6 eggs, respectively. Fertility was significantly reduced. After hatching, malformed individuals, both nymphs and adults were observed in F-1 generation while the degree of deformation was almost same. However, longevity of F-l individuals both mated as well as unmated males and females decreased considerably in comparison to that of untreated control.


Key words

Dysdercus koenigii, Biology, Fecundity, Malformation, Neem formulation.


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