Exploitation of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch.) sorokin for management of gall weevil, Alcidodes colaris in pigeon pea Rachappa V., Lingappa S. Department of Agril. & Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 580 005, India. E-mail: <rachisl@rediffmail.com>
Abstract Mortality of Alcidodes colaris grubs to varied doses of Metarhizium anisopliae was evident. The lowest dose of 1 x 108 conidia/litre water caused 33.3% and was followed by next high dose (2 x 108 conidia/l), which caused 48.6% on 15th day of treatment. Further increase in conidial load not brought significant increase in grub mortality. Similar was the response at 30th day of treatment with highest % mortality. Therefore, further field scale studies were conducted to verify the performance of M. anisopliae isolate (Ma2) @ 2 x 1012, 1 x 1012 and 5 x 1011 conidia/ha vis-a-vis recommended insecticides (chlorpyriphos 400g a.i./ha & endosulfan @ 700 g a.i./ha) and untreated check against pigeon pea gall weevil. Drenching of M. anisopliae @ 2 x 1012 conidia/ha at 15 days after germination did not lag much behind the cliemical toxicants in pest suppression. Efficacy came at par with chemical toxicants at 30 days after treatment. The yield difference between fungus and chemical drenching was only 4%. Top Key words Alcidodes colaris, Cajanus cajan, Metarhizium anisopliae. Top | | | |
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