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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2006, Volume : 14, Issue : 2
First page : ( 306) Last page : ( 309)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Yield loss and management of Oedocephalum cultivation of Calocybe indica

Sharma V.P.*, Kumar Satish, Mahajan Sonali

National Research Centre for Mushroom, ICAR, Solan - 173 213, India.

*E-mail: <sharma_vp93@rediffmail.com>


Oedocephalum made its appearance as irregular, light silver gray patches on the substrate. Out of the four inoculum levels tried, maximum (41.0%) yield loss was recorded with 2.0 g inoculum load. Among fungicides, bavistin and sporgon proved to be the most toxic at all the concentrations tried and gave 100% mycelial inhibition. Neemol was the most effective plant product at both the concentrations tried as it gave 90 and 93% reduction in the mycelial growth of Oedocephalum at 2% concentration when it was added pre and post sterilization of the substrate, respectively. Two sprays of sporgon were most effective against Oedocephalum which gave 750 g yield/5 kg wet substrate.


Key words

Fungicides, Oedocephalum mould, Plant products, Yield loss.


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