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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2002, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 114) Last page : ( 117)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Studies on Seed Borne Fungi of Lentil

De Rajib Kumar, Dwivedi R.P.*, Narain Udit*

Division of Crop Protection, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur 208 024, India.

*Department of Plant Pathology, C.S.A. Univ. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur 208 002, India.

* E-mail: <rkde@iipr.up.nic.in>


Studies on seed-borne mycoflora of four lentil varieties (DPL 15, DPL 62, K 75 and Sehore 74-3) were made using untreated and NaOCI treated seeds during 1998–99. In agar plate and blotter paper methods, 6.50 22.00 and 5.75–14.00% of seeds respectively were found to carry seed-borne fungi 10 days after incubation. Six different fungal genera were detected in 4 varieties. Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani were found in 1.75–4.25, 0.75–2.00% of untreated and 0.75–2.25, 0.50–1.00% of treated seeds, respectively. Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, Penicillium sp., Alternaria alternata, Curvularia sp. and Dreschlera sp. were detected in untreated and treated lentil seeds. Agar plate method with PDA was better than blotter paper method in terms of percentage recovery of fungi. Treatment of seeds with NaOCI was effective in reducing seed-borne fungi in the all 4 varieties. F. oxysporum f.sp. lentis was associated only with the testa or seed coat of 4 varieties. Testa of 6.00–22.00% of untreated and 0–12.00% of treated seeds of wilted plants carried F. oxysporum f sp. lentis.


Key words

Lentil, Mycoflora, Seed borne fungi.


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