Bioefficacy of Imidacloprid Against Leaf Hopper, Empoasca kerr, on Groundnut Babu K. Ramesh, Santharam G. Department of Agricultural Entomology, T.N.A.U., Coimbatore 641 003, India. Abstract Efficacy of imidacloprid 200 SL was evaluated against leaf hopper, Empoasca kerri on groundnut in comparison with recommended Insecticides, dimethoate and methyl-0-demeton during kharif and rabi 1998 seasons. Imldaclopnd was applIed as foliar application at 100, 150, 200 and 250 ml/ha. Observations recorded at 3 7, 14 and 21 days after firstand second treatments showed that imidacloprid treatments were significantly superio; to, the standard chemicals III reducing the leaf hopper population as compared to untreated check. The effect of Imldaclopnd foliar spray persisted for three weeks. Increased pod yield in the treatment was recorded at the time of harvest. Top Key words Bioefficacy, Empoasca kerri, Groundnut, Imidacloprid. Top | | |
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