Bio-efficacy of Sherlone Against Fruit Borers and Leafhoppers of Okra Panda S.K., Maity B.K., Nayak S.K., Behera U.K. Department of Entomology, 0.U.A.T. Bhubaneswar 751 003, India. Abstract Field experiments carried out at Bhubaneswar demonstrated greater efficacy of sherlone (phosalone 24% + cypermethrin 5%) tested at 290, 360, 435 and 510 g a.i./ha against the fruit borers, Helicoverpa armigera and Earias fabia and jassid, Amrasca biguttula as compared to phosalone, cypermethrin and a combination product, spark 36 EC (triazophos 35% and deltamethrin 1%) at their recommended doses. From the point of effective control of fruit borers, jassid and increase in yield, sherlone at 435 and 510 g a.i./ha were found better than other compounds. Top Key words Fruit borer, Leafhopper, Okra, Sherlone. Top | | |
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