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Annals of Plant Protection Sciences
Year : 2002, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 51) Last page : ( 54)
Print ISSN : 0971-3573.

Efficacy of Some Insecticides Against Okra Fruit Borer, Earias spp. and leafroller, Sylepta derogata Fab.

Misra H.P., Dash D.D., Mahapatra D.

Department of Entomololgy, College of Agriculture, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar 751 003, India.


Efficacy of some insecticides viz., thiomethoxam, imidacloprid both @ 25 g a.i./ha and a combination product rocket (profenophos + cypermethrin) @ 440 g a.i./ha was studied along with conventional insecticides like dimethoate @ 300 g a.i./ha, cypermethrin @ 100 g a.i./ha, profenophos @ 500 g a.i./ha and a neem product azadirachtin @ 3 g a.i./ha against the fruit borer, Earias spp. and leafroller, Sylepta derogata of okra. The results revealed that significantly better control of the fruit borer and leafroller were obtained with the application of cypermethrin, profenphos and profenophos + cypermethrin. The decrease in % fruit borer infestation with these three treatments ranged from 70.5–76.8 over control. The healthy fruit yield recorded significantly the highest (51.75–55.37 q/ha) with these treatments over other treatments and control (45.23 q/ha). The % increase in fruit yield was the highest (22.4%) with profenophos + cypermethrin over control which was at par with profenophos (16.0%) and cypermethrin (14.4%). Cypermethrin, profenophos, profenophos + cypermethrin and azadirachtin proved significantly effective in controlling the leafroller with least % leafroller infestation (1.2–2.0%) compared to control (12.4%).


Key words

Earias spp., Insecticides, Okra, Sylepta derogata.


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