Induced Host Plant Resistance in the Management of Sucking Insect Pests of Groundnut Rao K Rajasekhara Division of Entomology, ICAR Research Complex for N.E.H. Region, Umiam 793 103, Meghalaya India <krevant@123india.com> Abstract The influence of straight fertilizers and organic manures on the groundnut sucking insect pests viz. jassid Empoasca kerri, aphid Aphis craccivora was studied in the field from 1994 to 1996 in sandy loam soils. These studies combined with other cultural practices like planting sunflower as a trap crop for Spodoptera litura and spraying of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of Spodoptera to reduce the incidence of S. litura. The organically manured treatments like F.Y.M., neem cake, vermicompost recorded lowest pest population compared to straight fertilized treatments. The groundnut plants that received organic manures recorded low nitrogen, higher level of phenols and tannins whereas the straight fertilized groundnut leaves recorded the vice versa. The pest incidence was found positively correlated with nitrogen content and negatively correlated with phenols and tannins. The organic manures induced the production of phenols and tannins in groundnut plant and thus, the induced resistance played an important role in groundnut insect pest management. Top Key words Empoasca kerri, Aphis craccivora, Manures, Fertilizers, Groundnut. Top | | |
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