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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2004, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 53) Last page : ( 61)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963.

Replacement of Maize with Jowar, Bajra or Ragi in Broiler Chicken Diets

Raju M.V.L.N.*, Shyamsunder G., Sadagopan V.R., Elangovan A.V., Reddy M.R., Rao S.V. Rama

Project Directorate on Poultry (ICAR) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, India.

*Reprint request: Dr. M.V.L.N. Raju, Tel: +91-40-4015651/4017000; Fax: +91-40-4017002; E-mail: pdpoult@ap.nic.in; rajumvln@rediffmail.com.

Received:  27  January,  2003.


The efficiency of jowar (Sorghum vulgare), bajra (Pennisetum typhoides) and ungroundragi (Eleusine coracana) as individual sources of energy in lieu of yellow maize on w/w basis was evaluated in broiler diets. The three test cereals-based diets were fed either as such or supplemented with a multi-enzyme mix containing amylase, protease, cellulase, lipase and phytase, forming a total of seven treatment groups, one for the control and two treatments each for bajra, jowar and ragi, with and without enzyme. A total of 168 commercial broiler chicks were fed the diets from one to five weeks of age. Performance of broilers fed bajra and jowar in terms of body weight (1193 and 1164 g), feed efficiency (2.26 and 2.26) and dry matter metabolizability (63.3 and 66.0%) was similar to maize (1217 g, 2.09 and 65.5%, respectively), irrespective of differences in energy levels. Ragi adversely affected body weight (1054g) and feed efficiency (2.47). Slaughter yields were similar in all the groups but weight of abdominal fat was significantly (P < 0.05) more in jowar group (1.57 vs 0.77% in control). Weights of gizzard (P < 0.01) and giblets and length of small intestine (P < 0.05) were significantly more in ragi. The results indicate the utility of bajra and jowar as effective alternatives to maize, while ragi in whole form was not suitable for inclusion in broiler diets.


Key words

Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Broiler chicken, Diets.


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