Effect of Inclusion of Microbial Phytase in Feed by Gradual Replacement of Di-calcium Phosphate on Performance of Commercial Broiler Chicken Kundu B., Biswas P., Rajendran D.* Department of Animal Nutrition, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700 037, India. *Reprint request: Dr. D. Rajendran, Tel: +91-33-5569234; Fax: +91-33-5571986; E-mail: rajnutri@yahoo.com.
Abstract An experiment was conducted on day old broiler chicks to study the effect of inclusion of phytase in broiler diet. Day-old broiler chicks (n=80) were randomly distributed into four groups viz., group T1, T2, T3, and C consisting of twenty chicks each. Enzyme phytase was added @ 300g/ton of feed with the gradual replacement of Di-calcium phosphate (DCP) @ 2.5, 5.0 and 10 kg/ton in T1, T2 and T3 experimental groups, respectively. The experimental group C was not supplemented with phytase enzyme and di-calcium phosphate was added @ 10 kg/ton of feed. Effect of dietary phytase was assessed by weekly body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, biochemical and enzymatic analysis of serum, radiological and chemical assay (Ca, P, Cu and Zn) of bone. GOT, GPT and alkaline phosphatase in serum were also estimated to observe the effect of exogenous enzymes on vital organs. Results revealed no significant differences in terms of feed consumption, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) among dietary treatments. Biochemical analysis of serum showed no statistical difference in the levels of Ca, P, Cu, Fe, and Zn and also in activities of GOT, GPT and alkaline phosphatase enzyme in serum among the different groups. Moist and dry weight of femur bone also did not differ significantly. Radiological study of the femur bones also did not reveal any major difference among the groups. Cost benefit analysis showed highest net income per bird in T3 where DCP was completely withdrawn. Top Key words Phytase, Growth, Bone mineralization, Blood parameters, Broiler chicken. Top |