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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year 2014, Volume-14, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963
Online ISSN : 0974-181X

Table of contents

Research Papers

Mineral Composition of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Plant during Vegetation Period with Special Reference to Copper
B. Debski, M.A. Gralak, K. Gesinski, E. Jendrzejczak

Effects of Multi-Enzyme Supplementation in Wheat Based Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Rations on Egg Production, Egg Quality and Some Blood Parameters
A. Tekeli, K. Bilgeçli, F. Çelen, Ö.F. Kurbal, M. Bitigiç

Vitamin E Deficiency could Increase the Optimum Dietary Vitamin C Requirement in Juvenile Olive Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
R.M. Mizanur, X. Wang, G. Park, H. Yun, S. Choi, Y. Park, S.C. Bai

Effect of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Seed Tannin on In vitro Biomass Production and Substrate Degradation of Aerobic Rice Straws
Deepa Ananth, U. Krishnamoorthy, K. Chandrapal Singh, R.G. Gloridoss

Azzawi Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) as a Substitute for Corn as an Energy Source in Sheep Diet: In vitro Gas Production and Fermentation
I.M. Khattab, A.Z.M. Salem, L.M. Camacho, A.M. Abdel-Wahed, K.Z. Kewan

Effect of Addition of Certain Antioxidants on the Metabolism of Cadmium and Other Nutrients in Dietary Cadmium Exposed Guinea Pigs
R.S. Dhayagude, A.K. Garg, R.S. Dass

Effect of Essential Oils Dissolved in Different Solvents on the In vitro Methane Production
M. Wadhwa, J.S. Hundal, K. Kaur, M.P.S. Bakshi

Conservation Characteristics of Triticale-Hungarian Vetch Silage Ensiled with Homo-fermentative or Hetero-fermentative Lactic Acid Bacteria in Jars
G. Keles, V. Kurtoglu, U. Demirci, S. Ates, T. Canatan, M. Kan, A. Gunes

Performance of Broilers Fed Formic and Propionic Acid Supplemented Diets
R. Venkatasubramani, P. Vasanthakumar, D. Chandrasekaran, D. Rajendran, M.R. Purushothaman

Optimization of Dietary Protein in All Male Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Reared in Inland Saline Water
M. Mohammadi, A.H. Sarsangi, T.D. Haghighi, C. Webster, F. Rajabipour, N. Mashaii, A. Bitaraf, M. Hafeziyeh

Effect of Herbal Anticoccidial Feed Mix Pellet on the Growth, Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites of Barbari Goats
Ravindra Kumar, U.B. Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar, D.K. Sharma

Effect of Level and Duration of Application of a Commercial Enzyme Mixture on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Responses of a Mid-Forage Total Mixed Ration
E. Parand, M. Danesh Mesgaran, A. Faramarzi Garmroodi, A. Vakili

Influence of Feeding Cellulytic Enzymes on Performance, Digestibility and Ruminal Fermentation in Goats
A.M. Kholif, H.A. Aziz

Effects of Exogenous Enzymes, Lactobacillus acidophilus or their Combination on Feed Intake, Digestibility and Performance of Rabbits Fed Sugarcane Bagasse
N.A. Abdel-Aziz, M.M. El-Adawy, A.Z.M. Salem, M.A. Cerrillo-Soto, L.M. Camacho, B.E. Borhami

Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Growth, Nutrient Utilization and Economics of Feeding in Beetal Kids under Stall-Fed Conditions
S. Saijpaul, Chandrahas, A.L. Saini, M. Gangwar

Growth Performance of Growing Lambs Fed on Pine (Pinnus patula) Sawdust as Basal Diet Supplemented with Monensin Sodium
C.E. Guerra-Medina, L.G. Medina-Torres, O.D. Montañez-Valdez, M. Pérez-Sato, A. Ley de Coss

Short Communications

Effect of Supplementation of Deoiled Mahua Seed Cake on the Growth Performance and Blood Biochemical Parameters of Crossbred Calves during Recovery Period of Infection from F. gigantica
A.B. Jacob, P. Singh, A.K. Verma

Effect of an Exogenous Phytase on Growth Performance in Growing Holstein Calves
R.G. Buendía, M.S. González, S.M. Pérez, N.I. Ortega, H.C. Aceves, F.M.D. Montoya, B.I. Almaraz, P.J.E. Partida, A.Z.M. Salem

Effect of Palm Oil By products on In Vitro Fermentation and Nutrient Digestibility
M. Zain, J. Rahman, Khasrad

Effects of Exogenous Phytase on Growth Performance of Weaned Dorper x Pelibuey Lambs
R.G. Buendía, M.S.S. González, M.G.D. Mendoza, A.N.I. Ortega, H.C. Aceves, G.M.M. Crosby, T.A.P. Meneses, A.Z.M. Salem

Impact of Acidified Sodium Chlorite Treatment and Enzyme Supplementation on Energy Bio-availability from Maize-Soy Mixture
Rakesh Thakur, A.B. Mandal, M.M. Kadam, Rana Parvin

Influence of Vitamins and Exogenous Enzymes Combination on alleviating Heat Stress in Lactating Ewes under Egyptian Summer Conditions
H.M. Gado, S.S. Almustafa, A.Z. Salem, F.A. Khalil, E.B. Abdalla

Review Paper

Current Concepts of Feed Formulation for Livestock using Mathematical Modeling
S. Ghosh, J. Ghosh, D.T. Pal, R. Gupta


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