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Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Year : 2012, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 103) Last page : ( 110)
Print ISSN : 0972-2963. Online ISSN : 0974-181X.

Effect of combined supplementation of probiotic and yeast on growth, carcass characteristics and economics of production in broiler chickens

Swain B.K.*, Naik P.K., Chakurkar E.B., Singh N.P.

ICAR Research Complex for Goa, Old Goa-403402, India

* Corresponding author: Dr. B.K. Swain, E-mail: rbkswain@yahoo.com

Online published on 2 February, 2012.

Received:  29  March,  2011.


An experiment was conducted to study the effect of combined supplementation of probiotic and yeast on growth, carcass traits, organ weights and economics of production in commercial broiler chickens from 0 to 6 weeks of age. Basal diets were formulated containing maize, soybean meal and rice polish with 22.8% CP and 2900 kcal ME/kg at starter phase (0–3 weeks) and 19.9% CP and 3000 kcal ME/kg at finisher phase (4–6 weeks). The broiler chicks were fed basal diet supplemented with Improval (mixture of probiotic and yeast) @ 0 (T0), 0.5 (T0.5), 1.0 (T1.0) and 1.5 (T1.5) g/kg diet. Growth and feed efficiency of broilers fed T1.0 diet were better (P<0.05) than those recorded on control diet. Higher (P<0.05) dressing percent and breast yield were observed in chicks fed T1.0 diet supplemented with 1.0 g/kg supplement. The abdominal fat content was reduced (P<0.05) in the supplementated groups compared to control. The relative weights of liver, heart, spleen and bursa were higher in all the supplemented groups while that of the ceaca was reduced (P<0.05) in the birds fed T1.0 diet. Findings of the present study suggested that supplementation of probiotic and yeast mixture @ 1.0 g/kg diet was effective in improving performance and economics in broiler chickens.



Broiler chickens, Carcass characteristics, Economics, Growth, Probiotic, Yeast.


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