Guide for Authors
Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology (ANFT) is published bi-annually in English by the Animal Nutrition Association, India. The suitability of papers for publication in the journal is judged by the peer review. Chief Editor has full responsibility for papers which are edited in the order received. Senior authors of all the papers submitted from India should subscribe to the ANFT before or after the manuscript is accepted otherwise his/her manuscript may be rejected for the publication in ANFT.
Submission of Papers
Manuscript of original full length papers (limited to about 4000 words), review articles (up to 8000 words) and short communications (up to 1500 words) must be typed on A-4 paper, double spaced; the original copy along with two photocopies should be submitted. Manuscript, in general, should be organised in the order:
Title (should be clear and not too long)
Present address(es) of authors
Key words (maximum 5); arranged alphabetically
Running title
Text of research paper divided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement, if any, References, Tables and Figures.
Tables should be double-spaced and as few as possible; weights and measures must be expressed in metric system and temperature in the Celsius scale.
The legends for figures should be typed on a separate sheet. Photographs should be carefully prepared and labelled on the back with figure number.
The preferred medium of submission of revised manuscript by senior author is 3.5"diskette in MS-DOS format (MS Word).
Structure of Manuscripts
Title Page
The first page of the manuscript should start with title page which is to be typed in bold faced print using both upper and lower case letters and set in the centre of the page. The names of the authors follow. Naming an author on a paper implies that the person named is aware of the research reported and agrees with and accepts responsibility for any results or conclusions reported.
The address of the institution where the research was conducted should include the name of the institution, city, pin code and country. This should be typed using upper and lower case letters. When a paper has several authors from different institutions, key the author to the address with superscripts (Arabic numerals) and present the additional addresses as foot notes at the bottom of the page. Addresses for reprint requests and address for correspondence should also be keyed using the same number system as for addresses. A running head or abbreviated title should appear centered on the title page. Include the phone number, fax number and e-mail address of the contact author on the title page.
The abstract (not more than 250 words) should appear on a separate page following the title page. The word ABSTRACT is centered, printed in bold face print using capital letters. The text of the abstract should start on the next line. The abstract should summarize pertinent results in a brief but understandable form. It should highlight the objectives, important findings and conclusions of the experiment. Abbreviations that appear in the abstract must be defined before they are first used.
Key Words
List up to five key words at the end of the abstract that best describe the nature of the research. The term Key words is typed bold faced print followed by a colon. The first letter of each key word be in upper case and key words are separated by commas. Key words should include the species, variables tested and the major response criteria.
Major headings (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION OR RESULT AND DISCUSSION and REFERENCES) are aligned with left margin and appear in Roman type, with the entire heading capitalized using bold-faced type. Major headings of review papers may deviate from this standard format.
Sub Headings (if required) : First subheading should appear at the left margin on a separate line in normal italics with only the first letter capitalized and followed by no punctuation. Second subheading should appear at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph in normal italics followed by a colon and with only the first letter capitalized.
The introduction should start on a new page following the abstract. It should justify the research problem and specify the hypothesis to be tested.
Materials and Methods
A clear description or specific original reference is required for all biological, analytical and statistical procedures used in the experiment. All modifications of the procedures must be explained. Diets, animals (breed, sex, age, body weight and weighing condition), analytical techniques, measurements and statistical models should be described.
Results (may be combined with discussion) should be presented in tabular form. The text should elaborate or explain on the tabular data without repeating the numbers extensively within the text.
The discussion (may be combined with results) should interpret the results clearly and concisely and should integrate literature results with the research findings to provide the reader with a broad base on which to accept or reject the hypothesis tested. A paragraph may follow the discussion explaining the implications of the findings of the research. If results have no implications, this should be stated.
References in the text should be cited either Sharma (1998) or (Sharma, 1998); Hasan, et al., 1978) or Hasan et al. (1978); Sharma and Ogra (1990) or (Sharma and Ogra, 1990). The references in the bibliography should be listed alphabetically adopting the following style:
AOAC. 1980. Official Methods of Analysis, 13th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC.
Merrill, L.B. and Taylor, C.A. 1981. Diet selection, grazing habits and place of goats in range management. In: Goat Production (Ed. C. Gall), Academic Press, New York, pp. 233-252.
Pattanaik, A.K., Sastry, V.R.B., Katiyar, R.C. and Murari Lal. 1998. Energy kinetics in crossbred calves on synchronized rumen degradable protein and starch based diets. Proceedings of VIII World Animal Production Conference, July 3-8, 1998, Seoul, Korea. pp. 58-59 (Abstr.).
Pedrock, H.B. 1987. Ammoniated Rice Straw as a Feed for Growing Cattle. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Ricardi, C. and Shimada, A. 1992. A note on diet selection by goats on a semi-arid temperate range land throughout the year. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 33: 239-247.
Tables should present numerical data in a self-explanatory manner. Any abbreviation used in a table must be defined in that table. The tables should be typed double-spaced with each table on a separate sheet and placed immediately after the references. Paginate the tables in series with the text. All the tables should be cited in the text. Arabic numerals should be used to number the tables. The table title and number is typed in normal face. The title of the table continues on the same line with only the first letter capitalised. Column headings should have normal italics with first letter of each word capitalized.
Presentation of pooled standard errors, the general basis for statistical comparisons of means is recommended when variance is homogenous. These should be presented in a separate column or row. Standard errors can be attached to each mean by ± sign when variance or standard error are heterogeneous (e.g. unbalanced experiment or unequal error) because presenting individual standard error tends to clutter up the tables. For diet composition, present major ingredient inclusion levels as a percentage of the total rather than in g/kg of diet.
Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals, have descriptive captions, and be mentioned in the text. Photographs submitted must be of high quality for direct reproduction. Line drawings (in black and white) should be designed with the format of the page of the journal in mind, and should be of such a size (including letterings) as to allow a reduction of 50 per cent. Separate file(s) for line drawings should also be submitted along with the text.
Purchase of 25 reprints is mandetory on payment of nominal charges depending upon the number of printed pages of the article. The exact amount to be paid by the authors would be communicated at the time of conveying the final acceptence.