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Asian Man (The) - An International Journal
Year : 2012, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 22) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 0974-6366. Online ISSN : 0975-6884.

Circumcision by Barbers in Rural India: A Scientific Study of an Ancient Method

Hegde Devadas1, Krishnamurthy G.R.2

1Dean & Professor of Surgery, A.J. Medical College, Mangalore

2Chair Professor of Eminence, A.J. Institute of Management, Mangalore


Primitive methods of ritual circumcision are still practiced in rural India by the majority, and there is sufficient evidence that the results are highly satisfactory. Since the surgical technique of circumcision is not perfect and has its drawbacks, it was decided to carry out a thorough scientific study of both methods. There were many new discoveries along the line. All evidences pointed towards the only conclusion possible – that the primitive method of removing the prepuce produced better cosmetic and functional results. Having learnt their lesson from the barber, the authors developed a standardised technique that produces results even superior to the barber's methods and more uniform. Hopefully, it will satisfy the most discriminating surgeons. This paper attempts to review the status of rural circumcision in India and suggests the developed practice to be adopted.


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