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Message to Contributors

Dear Contributors,

The Asian Man is the bi-annual International Journal which invites thematic, empirical and review papers in different areas of Human Science and development i.e. Anthropology, social & behavioral sciences, human biology, health and environmental sciences. It focuses primarily upon the newer dimensions and paradigm of inter-disciplinary approaches of modem human science propelling relative web of the nature-culture and biology of mankind. It also endeavours to highlight the new horizons and visionary heritage of science and development so as to create a better future for upcoming generations.

Academicians and researchers in the aforesaid fields are advised to contribute in the form of papers, review articles, shorter notes, book reviews etc. The manuscripts, in duplicate, typed in double space on A-4 sized paper (which should not exceed 20 pages), the soft copy at CD ROM should be sent to Editor of the journal. If the articles are contributed in Hindi column, the same should be sent in Krutidev Font. The paper may also be sent through e-mail with declaration certificate of its first publication and orginal contribution made ever by author. Tables, maps/figures, notes, references etc. should be typed on separate pages at the end, numbered with headings. The tables/figures should necessarily be referred in the text. Bibliographic references should be cited in the text. Such entries in the references should be in alphabetical order and typed following international pattern of typing that includes surname, initials of authors, date (year), title, name of publisher, place of publication etc.

The first page of the paper should contain the title in bold followed by the author's identity (with designation, complete address at the foot note), with an abstract of the paper.

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