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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 14
First page : ( 5557) Last page : ( 5562)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Bio-efficacy and Economics of Different Insecticides against Fenugreek Aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch

Rabari G.N.*, Chaudhary H.K., Dodia D.A.

Department of Entomology, C. P. College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat

*Email: gpadheriya7800@gmail.com

Online published on 2 January, 2017.


The bio-efficacy and economics of different insecticides against fenugreek aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch was studied during Rabi season of the year 2009–10 at Sardarkrushinagar, Dantiwada (Gujarat) and it was revealed that the treatments of imidachloprid 0.005 per cent, acephate 0.075 per cent, dimethoate 0.03 per cent and acetamiprid 0.004 per cent gave very good control of aphid and proved to be the most effective for quick knock down of the pest under field conditions. Further, thiomethoxam 0.03 per cent, ethion + cypermethrin 0.09 per cent, triazophos 0.05 per cent and dichlorvos 0.05 per cent gave moderate control and registered next to the best treatments in their effect. While, remaining treatments found less effective. Among various insecticides, imidachloprid 0.005 per cent registered the highest seed yield which was followed by dimethoate 0.03, acephate 0.075, acetamiprid 0.004, thiomethoxam 0.03, ethion + cypermethrin 0.09, triazophos 0.05 and dichlorvos 0.05 per cent. The maximum Protection Cost Benefit Ratio was found in the treatment of dimethoate 0.03 per cent (1: 11.91) followed by imidachloprid 0.005 (1: 9.79), acetamiprid 0.004 (1: 7.26), acephate 0.075 (1: 6.62), dichlorvos 0.05 (1: 5.94), triazophos 0.05 (1: 4.15), thiomethoxam 0.03 (1: 3.11) and ethion + cypermethrin 0.09 per cent (1: 2.18). Thus, it can be recommended for the management of aphid in mustard.



Fenugreek aphid, different treatments, yields, economics.


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