Rainwater Management Techniques for Successful Production of Pulses in Rainfed Areas-Review Sathiyavani E. Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Email: sathiyavani.priyanga@gmail.com Online published on 2 January, 2017. Abstract India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world. Inspite of sharing largest area (33.6%) with maximum contribution (24%) in the world's basket, pulses production is 14.60 mt from an area of 23.35 m ha, the productivity of pulses in India woefully low (600 kg/ha). Mythically pulses have been remained a crop under rainfed condition with less facility of irrigation due to its low water requirement as well as tolerance to water stress more than the other crops. About 91.0% of total pulses production comes from 97 m ha of rainfed areas in our country. Presently, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan contribute 85% of the total area and production of pulses in the country. The various technologies like raised sunken bed, broad bed furrow, deep ploughing, leveling and bunding, check dams and farm ponds have been evaluated extensively in the farmer field and found most effective. The estimated potential of harvestable runoff water of 23.99 M ha m is hugely sufficient to combat drought and weather adversities experienced by the farmers in rainfed areas. Pulses like chickpea and lentil can be successfully cultivated with the recycled water from these harvested water in farm pond/check dam/stop dam. However, the adoption of water conservation technologies is very low in the farmers field mainly due to involvement of huge cost and machinery whichdiscourage the small and marginal farmersto adopt these practices in small scale. Thus, participatory management of rainwater technologies are necessary for wider adoption and successful production of pulses in the country. Top Keywords Rainwater, Management techniques, Pulses, Rainfed. Top | |
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