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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 81) Last page : ( 84)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Photoperiod and Pineal Extract on Body Weight and Gonads of Grey Quail, Coturnix coturnix

Srivastava Anjali, Pandey Eshita, Srivastava Amita, Khanam Sabina

Dept. of Zoology, D.G. College, Kanpur, U.P.


The pineal hormone melatonin controls reproduction of photoperiodic mammals and is an integral part of the circadian rhythm in birds. This hormone is involved in physiological processes including growth, development, and aging. Melatonin is rhythmically synthesised and released by the avain pineal gland and it imposes periodicity in different aspects of bird life. The acclimatized quails (12 males, 8 females) were housed in groups of four in wire net cages. 0.1 ml pineal extract was administered intramuscularly. The birds were kept under two photoperiodic regimes group II (23L: 1D) and group III (23 D: 1L) in male grey quails and under natural conditions (NDL) in female grey quails. Data was analysed using students't’ test. Slightly (P > 0.025) rise in body weight of males was found in group II and fall in group III were observed compared with pretreatment. Highly significant (P > 0.005) increase in group II and decrease in group III was observed in volume of testis post treatment. The conclusion can be drawn that pineal extract inhibited the size of testis. In female pineal extract treated group showed marginal (P > 0.025) decrease and increase in body weight after treatment. Marginal (P > 0.025) rise was recorded in diameter of largest follicle of ovary in control group whereas pineal extract experiencing group exhibited decrease which was of no significance.



Pineal hormone, melatonin, body weight, testis, follicle of ovary.


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