Influence of Hypoxia on the Behavior and Serum Proteins in Grey Quail (Coturnix coturnix) Pandey Eshita*, Srivastava Anjali, Srivastava Amita, Khanam Sabina Department of Zoology, Dayanand Girls College, Kanpur, U.P. *Email: eshitapandey@yahoo.com
Abstract The behavioral changes observed due to induced conditions of hypoxia in experimental Grey Quails (Coturnix coturnix) included swelling, slower breathing, and later signs of unconsciousness. The changes observed due to induced conditions of hypoxia in serum protein after electrophoresis showed the absence of certain proteins, whose synthesis were checked when conditions were not favorable. There were indications of proteins whose synthesis were initiated in unfavorable conditions and proteins whose synthesis were enhanced under conditions of stress. Such kind of study has not been documented in aves very strongly and so this work has its importance in this aspect. Top Keywords Coturnix coturnix, electrophoresis, hypoxia, behavior, serum proteins. Top | |
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