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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 72) Last page : ( 74)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Screening of Stable Single Cross Hybrids of Maize (Zea mays L.)

Lenka D., Singh H. C.*, Gupta G. R., Singh Anil Kumar

Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur-208 002

*Email: hcmaize@yahoo.com


An experiment consisting 10 diverse inbreds of maize namely; CM122, CM105, CM111, CM114, CM500, CM400, CM600, CM123, R 2–1 and R 50-1 and their all-possible combinations (excluding reciprocals) were evaluated for their stability performance in three diverse seasons i.e. rainy, winter and spring of 2006–07 at Oilseeds Research Farm, Kanpur of U.P. state of India. Results showed significant differences among the genotypes over environments for all the characters under study. The mean of genotypes were also highly variable under different seasons. The GxE interactions were also highly significant for all the traits except ear length, cob diameter and shelling percentage. It indicated that the performance of genotypes varied from season to season and it is imperative to select the genotypes as per environmental condition. The traits ear length, cob diameter and shelling percentage were recorded significant for pooled deviation but non-significant among regression coefficient of genotypes. However, for rest of the traits pooled deviation and GXE (linear) both were significant which determines the cause of genotypic variations as predictable. Six hybrids namely; 2x5, 2x10, 3x8, 3x10, 4x10 and 5x6 were considerable as stable; crosses, 4x7,5x8,6x10 and 7x8 were below stability; two hybrids 3x6 and 4x6 were found as poor adoption for cob yield per plant. For grain yield per plant, three hybrids i.e. 3x8, 3x10 and 2x5 were considered as stable; hybrids namely 3x4 and 7x8 were suitable for favorable environment. Parent R50-1 and six hybrids namely; 1x4, 1x6, 2x7, 6x7, 6x9 and7x8 were found stable for early tasseling.Two parents i.e.CM105, CM123, and two hybrids 3x10 and 4x9 were suitable for favorable environments. in case of silking, three parents i.e.CM500, CM600 and R2–1 and seven hybrids namely; 1x5, 1x6, 2x6, 2x7, 3x10, 6x7 and 6x10 were found as stable over environments.



Hybrid maize, stablity.


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