Effect of Fertility Levels, Irrigation Schedules and Varieties on NPK Content and its Uptake in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Sharma J.C., Tomar S.S., Prakash Chandra, Shivran R.K. Agricultural Research Station Ummedganj, Kota Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur Abstract A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station Ummedganj, Kota. To find out the effect of fertility levels and irrigation schedules on Linseed varieties on vertisols of south-eastern Rajasthan during the year 2000–01 and 2001–02. on the basis of two years experimentation data show that either of the varieties did not give significant effect on N, P and K content in seed and straw of linseed. Irrigation at IW/CPR ratio of 0.7 gave significantly higher N and P content in seed and straw as compared of IW/CPE of 0.5 and 0.3. K content in seed and straw did not show significant effect with different irrigation schedules. 80kg N + 30kg P2O5 gave significantly higher in content in seed while 120kg N + 40kg P2O5 gave significantly higher P content in seed and straw. Effect of fertility levels on K content seed and straw was not found significant during both the year. Linseed variety recorded higher N, P and K uptake by seed and straw as compared to Rashmi. Irrigation at IW/CPE ratio of 0.5 gave higher N uptake by seed while in case of straw IW/CPE ratio 0.7 gave significant result. Irrigation at IW/CPE of 0.5 gave significant effect on P uptake by seed while irrigation at IW/CPE of 0.7 gave better result on P uptake by straw. Application of fertilizer at 80kg N + 30kg P2O5ha-1 gave significantly higher N & K uptake by seed while 120kg N + 40kg P2O5ha-1 gave significantly higher N uptake by straw. At fertility level 120kg N + 40kg P2O5ha-1 gave higher P uptake by seed and straw. Top Keywords Linseed, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, uptake etc. Top | |
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