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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 41) Last page : ( 44)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Studies on Taxonomy and Biology of Two Nematodes Species Parasitocylindrocorpus narayani N. Sp. and Parasitocylindrocorpus parammi N. Sp. (Cylindrocorpidae) from Ficus racemosa and Fig Wasp Ceratosolen Sp.

Lingaiah A.*, Rajashekhar A.V.**, Reddy Y. Narsi**

*Dept. of Zoology, Govt. Degree College, Khairatabad, Hyderabad

**Dept. of Zoology, Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P.


The phytophagous nematode Parasitocylindrocorpus racemosa of new genus Parasitocylindrocorpus was studied and reported. The biology of the fig wasp and nematode is synchronizes with the development of the inflorescence of Ficus racemosa. Studies were done on the association of fig fruit wasp and nematodes from Ficus racemosa in and around the areas of Hyderabad, A.P. The nematode new species studied, belonging to the family Cylindrocorpidae differ in their morphological features and bionomics were reported as new species Paracylindrocorpus racemosa for which reason these two nematodes have been created as Parasitocylindrocorpus narayani n.sp. and Parasitocylindrocorpus parammi n.sp. These nematodes were collected from ripe fruits and new inflorescence of the fig tree from the migratory wasp.



Parasitocylindrocorpus narayani, Parasitocylin drocorpus parammi, Ficus racemosa, life cycle, fig.


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