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Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 9)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315. Published online : 2019 February 1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2019.00002.9

Effectiveness of E-Learning among High School Students with special reference to Educomp

Joseph Sojan*,*, Dr. Nichlavose Preema Rose**,**

*Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce and Research Centre, Vimala College, Thrissur, India

**Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce and Research Centre, Vimala College, Thrissur, India

*. sojanshijil@gmail.com

**. preerose77@gmail.com


E-learning is the delivery and administration of learning opportunities and support via computer, networked and web-based technology, to help individual performance and development. It also includes the provision of interactive learning materials and packages designed to facilitate skills or wider personal development. In recent years, the knowledge-based economy has exhibited a pervasive and ever-increasing demand for innovative methods of delivering education, which has led to dramatic changes in learning technology and institutions. The inclusion of E-learning in the education system, especially for higher educational institutions has several benefits. The adoption of e-learning provides the institutions as well as their students or learners much flexibility of time and place of delivery or receipt of according to learning information. The study mainly focused on the effectiveness of e-learning factors such as Availability of the ICT in the schools, the Attitude of the students about the ICT facilities, the Accessibility of the students and the Usage of the e-learning system in the schools. For this purpose, the researchers had chosen the schools like Sandeepani Vidyanikethan, Chinmaya Vidyalaya and Gurukulam Public School by collecting data from 120 respondents on the basis of convenient sampling method, using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools like percentage analysis, correlation analysis, and one sample t-test. The result revealed that the respondents are satisfied with the e-learning system in their schools but lack of innovation, lack of new knowledge among teachers etc are also there. The study was concluded with recommendations like implement innovative techniques in e-learning and teachers can attend workshops to increase their knowledge.



E-learning, web-based technology, educational institutions, personal development, ICT.


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