Indian Ethos of Multiculturalism in Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine Mishra Kalpana*, Dr. Sthitaprajna** *Reader in English, Sonepur College, Sonepur, India. **Associate Professor, Department of HSS, ITER: SOA University, Bhubaneswar, India. Abstract In this globalized world where immigrants of different countries live and settle together, multiculturalism has become a policy for the co-existence of diverse cultural, racial, religious, linguistic groups. Multiculturalism aims at preservation of different cultures and their identities within a unified society or nation. Bharati Mukherjee's personality is imbibed with the multicultural consciousness of the Indian ethos which she has expressed through her character Jasmine in the novelJasmine. Top Keywords Assimilation, Diaspora, Ethos, Expatriate, Globalization, Immigration, Multiculturalism. Top |