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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 7
First page : ( 303) Last page : ( 322)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2017.00388.4

Municipal solid waste management scenario and its mitigation measures of Katwa municipality, Bardhaman, West Bengal

Ghosh Chiranjit*, Dr. Pal Subodh Chandra**

*M. Phil. Research Scholar, Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, India, chiranjitghosh.64@gmail.com

**Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, India, geo.subodh@gmail.com

Online published on 17 July, 2017.


Katwa Municipality is one of the fastest developing Municipalities in West Bengal with a population of 81, 615 and population density 9568 in 2011. The population growth rate of this Municipality is 13.68% from 2001 to 2011. This Municipality has around 19382 houses which generate 32.95 M.T. of solid waste per day. Among the basic essential services Solid waste management service is provided by local government to keep cities clean and hygienic. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the major environmental problems of Katwa Municipality which is located in the north east part of Bardhaman district. Improper management of municipal solid waste (MSW) causes various problems to inhabitants. For this study purpose here we have taken into consideration the characteristics, generation, collection and transportation, disposal and treatment technologies of Municipal solid waste management practiced in Katwa Municipality. The incentive is taken by us to bring awareness and improve the public participation in present solid waste management services. Thus, in order to propose any suitable measures for the improvements of the city's solid waste management conditions and reduce the potential problems of the city, it is very important to make a situational analysis of the current conditions. The study pertaining to Municipal solid waste management of Katwa Municipality has been carried out to evaluate the current status and to identify the major problems of solid waste system. The main problems are open drain and open dumping of solid waste without recycling, which resulted environmental pollution for this Municipality. The study has been concluded with some fruitful suggestions which beneficial to municipal authority and researcher for further research.



Municipal solid waste, MSWM, Environmental pollution, Management, Katwa Municipality.


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