Higher education in Rajasthan: Some recent trends Dr. Jangir Rajesh Kumar Lecturer, LBS Govt. Pg College, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India Online published on 17 July, 2017. Abstract Privatization of higher education is most important policy initiative by the government of Rajasthan in recent Years. Girls' enrolment is lower than the boys. SC and ST enrolment is lower than their proportion of population in the state. SC ST and Girls enrolment is much lower in the state. The distribution of higher education institutes is highly geographical skewed. New private colleges are opening in the urban area. Privatization is not tending to close the rural urban gap. Four districts of the state have not even a single girls' college. Weaker section enrolment is high in government colleges but the higher proportion of girls is enrolled in private colleges. The high share of girls' enrolment in private college seems due to the nearby availability of private colleges. Desert affected and tribal sub plan area of the state is facing the scanty of higher education institution and the enrolment is low. This indicates that government should come forward to cover the rural urban gender and geographically gap in higher education in the state. Top | |
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