Religion-Culture Interface in Colonial Assam Dr. Saikia Arani Assistant Professor, Department of History, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India, kukiarani@rediffmail.co Online published on 7 April, 2017. Abstract Religion is the core of a culture. India is known for the plurality of religious faiths. The north-eastern Indian state of Assam, like some other regions in India fostered a spirit of coexistence without conflict. Mutually tolerant attitude towards the faith of the other people was a legacy of the past quite noticeable in the surveys made during the Colonial period. The purpose of this paper is to shortly review the different faiths and analyse the role of religion in Assamese society. It is also an attempt to understand the religious feelings of the emergent Assamese middle class in nineteenth-twentieth centuries. Top Keywords Religion, Culture, Assamese Society, Vaishnavism. Top | |
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