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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : ( 822) Last page : ( 837)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2017.00209.X

A Hybrid Cluster Stable Link Routing for Overhead Reduction in MANET

Sivamani C.*, Dr. Visalakshi P.**

*Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Angel college of Engineering and Technology, Tirupur, Tamilnadu, India. siddhu.veroen@gmail.com

**Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. visapsg@gmail.com

Online published on 23 March, 2017.


Mobile Ad hoc Network is the indivisible part of wireless networks. In past few years, the popularity of MANET grows indefinitely. Due to the presence of mobility and infrastructure less topology, the vulnerability of ad hoc networks is introduced unconditionally. The links and path failures may occur which leads to lack of communication between the users. So the overall network overhead increases unlimitedly. To overcome this issue, several approaches are developed to make more efficient routing. But they have not focused on failures of link and path. We proposed Hybrid Cluster enhanced Stable Link Routing (HCSLR) to attain the correct balance between overhead and end to end delay. In first phase of this scheme, we create cluster routing procedure and election of cluster head based on neighbor coverage metric. In second phase, stability of link is determined to maintain threshold value which ensures the resilience to the path failures. In this phase, overhead is reduced with the help of link expiration time and removing redundant rebroadcast massages. By implementing these solutions, we have achieved better stability and less overhead towards the ultimate goal of cluster routing scheme. We have implemented our proposed scheme within Network Simulator (NS2.34) tool environment. The simulation results, proves that the proposed scheme achieves better delivery ratio, less communication overhead, reduced control overhead, less computation overhead and very low end to end delay than existing schemes namely Neighbor Coverage based Probabilistic Rebroadcast (NCPR) and Dynamic Probabilistic Route Discovery (DPR).



MANET, Cluster, cluster head election, link stability estimation, overhead reduction, delivery ratio, communication overhead, control overhead, computation overhead and end to end delay.


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