Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber (Human Hair) Reinforced polymer composite Prakash S.*, Paul R. Christu** *Mechanical Engineering, Immanuel Arasar JJ College of Engineering, Nattalam, India **Mechanical Engineering, C.S.I Institute of Technology, Thovalai, India Online published on 2 August, 2016. Abstract The current work primarily describes the improvement and categorization of a new set of natural fiber based polymer composites consisting of human hair as reinforcement and epoxy resin. The recently developed composites are characterized with respect to their mechanical properties. These fiber reinforced composites can be fruitfully prepared by simple and cost effective synthesis methods i.e., hand lay process. The human hair used in this study is of about 15mm length. The synthesized composites must be subjected to different characterization techniques to test its suitability in different mechanical components. To analyse its suitability, mechanical properties such as tensile strength, compressive strength, flexible strength and hardness must be subjected to different composition of fiber and resin percentage. The dominance of mechanical yield for different compositions of fiber and resins is conferred in detail. Top | |
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